On Wednesday, May 27, 1970, there were twenty-eight of us who met at the American Legion on Highway 74 East in Marshville. The previous Sunday was our last day at Marsh-Win Baptist Church having been there from January 8, 1967 until May 24, 1970. On Sunday, May 31, we met for the second time with thirty-four people there for the morning service, and thirty-nine people for the evening service. The few men (six) met at the Pastor’s home at 308 East Main Street in Marshville and voted to name this little group “BIBLE BAPTIST TABERNACLE,” never dreaming what God would do in the future. The morning sermon was titled, “Forgetting Those Things Which are Behind,” and this group did just that. The pastor (31 years old) and Mrs. Leonard (30 years old) had four small children—Bettina (10), Suzanne (4 ½), Rebekah (3), and Stephen (1). Although we trembled with fear, we sincerely believed we were in God’s will, and those few humble sheep followed their leader.
We had several people who made professions the first year, but many of those we had a record of did not leave any memories, and frankly we do not know if they “continued” or not.
In July, we sold $40,000 in bonds to purchase the first 2.8 acres here and to build the old church sanctuary. During the next several months, we were carrying brick, mortar, scaffolding, and paint. On November 22, 1970, we had our dedication service for the 40' x 100' building.
We thank God for his mercy and grace in allowing us to see multitudes saved in these many years.
- Pastor Bobby Leonard