Sunday School This Morning
October, 15, 2023
First of all, thanks to each of you that prayed for Sharon yesterday. All the tests came back that she is fine. We are not sure what happened (or what God could very well have REVERSED through prayer). I had contacted many folks to have them pray. I thank God for His MERCY toward me first of all. Sharon is for certain my help meet extraordinaire. God is so wonderful!
On Sunday, November 6, LORD WILLING, we will be returning to our old Sunday school class. Please know that if anyone wants to stay in the class with Brother Keith, it will be absolutely non-offensive to me. I love all our folk; and want what God wants! I mean that with all my heart! I am looking forward to getting back in our tighter (with regards to space) setting. It seems as if the smaller classroom granted far more liberty to each of you. May the Lord use the switchback for His glory and cause us to work like we have never worked before and be more faithful than we have ever been before!
This morning we will be teaching (in the auditorium, of course) on SIMPLICITY! My, how God wants us to make sure we keep the Bible in it's proper place of being simple, principle, foundational! While there "are SOME THINGS (not most things) hard to be understood" (2 Peter 3:16), rest assured, they will be very few. Even those things become simple as we ask God for wisdom, and rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth by comparing scripture with scripture.
Please come praying for our class and also the services. Lord willing, we will have several visitors with us this morning in the service! May Christ be exalted, the saints edified, and souls saved through the simple preached and taught word of God!!
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